Friday, December 9, 2011
How To Increase Your Pull Up Numbers Today!!
Friday, December 2, 2011
The Easiest Way To Achieve The Muscle Up!
I've found this method to be one of the best ways to progress towards performing a "no kip" muscle up. The use of the band helps reduce the percentage of your own body weight that you're actually lifting. I used simple yoga/pilates bands that you can pick up from a local Wal-Mart, they come in three different levels of tension strength. Simple use the band with the heaviest tension at first, and then move to the medium and light tension bands as you become stronger.
Check out the video above for a detailed instructions on how to use resistance bands to aid you on your quest to performing your first muscle up!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
How To Gain 30lbs Of Muscle With Body Weight Workouts!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
The "Immortals Workout"
- Tim
Thursday, October 20, 2011
The Fast 50 Workout!!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Crush Your Core With L-Sits!
- Tim

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Is Your Child Too Young To Workout?

A question I'm asked a lot and I'm sure is on a few of my readers minds, is my child too young to start working out. The answer is simple ... but complicated at the same time, no your child is not too young to start working out, however it's how they workout and how they perceive the activity. You also need to ask yourself, why is it that you feel your child needs an increase in physical activity.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
The "Warrior Conditioning Workout" DVD!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Body Weight Specialist Certification!
Challenge your fitness and push your clients to new levels anywhere, anytime, with little to no equipment! The Jungle Fit Body Weight Specialist Certification will not only teach you how to effectively use your own body weight to achieve any fitness goal, but also how to demonstrate and teach your clients how to do the same! Come learn from Canada’s leading expert in the field of body weight strength and conditioning, Jungle Fit founder, and fitness author Timothy Bell.
Here’s Just A Few Of The Highlights Featured In The Jungle Fit Body Weight Specialist Certification:
- Learn how to efficiently progress yourself or clients through hundreds of body weight progressions for pulling, pressing, pushing, squatting and lunging techniques!
- Find out the simple split second changes that make an exercise easy enough for a grandmother to perform or challenging enough to make a gymnast sweat!
- How to use joint mobility as a superior form of warm up and means of preventing injuries
- Learn how to use your own body weight as a superior form of conditioning (Excellent for MMA, Rock Climbing, Parkour etc.)
- Experience how to correctly align your joints to reduce and eliminate common over use injuries
- Learn how to promote mobility/flexibility at the same time as improving strength conditioning
- Learn how to switch up your workouts and keep your clients interested by incorporating unique total body and animal inspired movements
- Gain a large array of body weight only techniques to use by themselves or combined with other forms of training (ex. Kettlebells)
- How to use selective tension to greatly increase strength and stability during various
- Learn how to build and progress programs for any fitness goal using only body weight!
- Everyone who attends the Jungle Fit Body Weight Specialist Certification receives a copy of the Jungle Fit Ebook “The Body Weight Solution”! A $20 value FREE!
Why Train Yourself Or Others With Body Weight Training? :
- All forms of sports and athletics at their very core involve mastering the ability to control your body’s every movement
- Body weight training is safe enough to train anyone of any fitness level. By making a few small changes you can make an exercise as hard or as easy as you like!
- When you gain excess body fat your instantly penalized by reducing the amount of repetitions you can perform
- When you lose excess body fat you’re rewarded by gaining the ability to perform more repetitions of an exercise
- Instantly lower your over head cost as a new trainer! Body weight training requires very little to no equipment and can be done safely and effectively in large groups.
- All body weight exercises demand core strength and tension, developing it more effectively than just about any other form of exercise
- Body weight training develops essential athletic attributes such as balance, mobility, agility, grace and stability
- Body weight training can be used to facilitate fat loss, increase strength, gain muscle, or increase athletic conditioning.
- Body weight exercises can be easily combined with free weights to develop a unique and well rounded fitness program.
Jungle Fit strives to be the leader in body weight strength and conditioning, providing only the most up to date and proven methods of body weight training. If you’re a trainer looking to improve the quality of your services or just a fitness enthusiast looking to take your own training to new levels, then you can’t afford to miss out on the Jungle Fit Body Weight Specialist Certification! If you’re ready to learn how to take your own training and your clients to a whole new level, then we look forward to seeing you at the Jungle Fit Body Weight Specialist Certification!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Tom Hardy Inspired Bane Workout!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
How To Do A Muscle Up On Rings!! The Tutorial!!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
How To Do The Splits Tutorial!!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
How To Do Handstand Push Ups!! The Tutorial!!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Dips: How To Progress, Achieve, and Challenge!!
- Tim
Thursday, May 26, 2011
The Ultimate Upper Body Workout!
Monday, May 16, 2011
The Grinder Workout!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Captain America Workout!
- Tim
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Explosive Body Weight Conditioning!