Friday, July 31, 2015

Paleo Banana & Almond Butter Ice Cream

 If you're missing ice cream or looking for have something sweet, this paleo banana & almond butter ice cream just might be the thing for you! It doesn't have any added sugar or sweeteners, it's simple to make, and it's both vegan and paleo. Best of all, you can enjoy a bowl without feeling guilty about what you're putting into your body! The recipe below is for one person, double or triple it as needed. 

Here's What You'll Need:

- 1 large frozen banana
- 1 large tbsp almond butter (or any other nut butter)
- Cinnamon
- Vanilla extract 
- Sea Salt 
- Crushed pecans (or any other nut)

Here's How To Put It Together:

- Dice up the frozen banana and place it in a high powered blender (without the peel!)
- Blend your banana until it becomes a thick past 
- Add your tbsp of almond butter to the blended banana 
- Add a dash of vanilla, sea salt, and cinnamon to the blended up banana
- Blend again until everything is mixed
- Take the mixture and scoop it into your favourite bowl
- Top with crushed pecans 
- Enjoy! 

- Tim 

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